Tuesday, January 06, 2009

And Here Comes The Rumors...

Got a variety of rumors for everyone today-

- The Cubs are very close to completing the deal that would send Vizcaino to the Cubs for Jason Marquis according to Carrie Muskat. Dave van Dyck says the Cubs are "actively seeking more live arms, whether it be Jake Peavy or another starter to replace innings of Marquis." Either the Cubs do not have faith in Sean Marshall starting or they just value him more as a long relief lefty out of the pen.

- Ameet Sachdev of the Chicago Tribune says the Cubs' ownership situation could be resolved finally after bids were placed in late November. It still could take a while for them to go over negotiations and other things, but the good thing is the Cubs can now present the new owner with ideas about the team and see if they can raise the payroll anymore to get a guy like Roberts, Peavy, etc. I am pulling for the Ricketts Family.

- The Cubs did have interest in Derrek Lowe but his asking price is just too high.

- This is a great tidbit from Gordon Edes-

The Cubs and Padres appeared close to a deal for Jake Peavy in Las Vegas, but the Padres backed away, leaving the Cubs convinced that someone over Kevin Towers’ head pulled the plug.

This is totally different from what we heard during the Winter Meetings. I really hope talks start heating up again with new ownership getting close to taking place.

- With the Cubs interested in getting another arm lets take a look at potential trade possibilities and inexpensive free agent signings-

Jake Peavy- Should be the Cubs top priority right now with Bradley all but wrapped up.

Bartolo Colon- A free agent that would not even cost the Cubs a major league contract but could pay off in the end considering he was a 20 game winner when healthy.

Pedro Martinez- A nice veteran presence, decent #5 stater and could cost about half of what Marquis made and put up better numbers.

Mark Mulder - Could be his bounce back season. He was great in Oakland and good in St. Louis when healthy. Could sign a incentive laden deal with Cubs.

Andy Pettitte- The Cubs really like Andy Pettitte but only if his price comes down. He recently rejected a 1 year 10 million dollar deal from the Yankees, so that might not happen. I sure would like him as our 5th starter though!

Mark Prior- I know I will get ripped for mentioning his name but if the Cubs offered him a 1 year 1 million dollar deal with incentives, what is the hurt in that. Especially if he becomes healthy and pitches like he did in 03. And if he does not then all you wasted was 1 million dollars.

Kenny Rogers- A nice veteran lefty that could really help the chemistry in the clubhouse. He is a real competitor and could cost a fraction of the 8 million he make last season. His numbers were down last season but he played on an awful Tigers team.

Ben Sheets- This guys has had health issues which makes teams interest in him a little lower than I expected. He does have interest from the Brewers, Rangers, and Astros but how bout throwing an incentive laden two year deal worth about 8 million a season?? If healthy he is a #1 pitcher but that is a big IF.

Kevin Millwood- He is owed some money and is not as good as he use to be but still has that sinker working. Would cost the Cubs a minor league guy with Texas looking to shed payroll. Might give the Rangers a call.

Erik Bedard- The guys has had some issues in the M's organization but the Cubs showed great interest in him before traded there. Not to mention would fill out the rotation well.

Justin Duchscherer- Big fan of this guy and Oakland has made it known, no one is unavailable in that organization. He would cost some prospects but not near as many as Peavy. Got to love that 2.54 ERA last season. Did I mention he is still under team control and making a 1.2 million this year.

Roy Halladay- I know I am dreaming right??? Maybe not! We have heard the past two off seasons and during the deadline last year that Roy was secretly made available by the Jays. I think for the right package he could be had by the Cubs. He is in the final two years of his contract and owed 30 million. He is likely to hit the free agent market after 2010 and be the highest paid pitcher in MLB. He is a Cy Young candidate every year and a 20 game winner. Two problems woudl be payroll limitations and if the Cubs have the players to get a deal done or would they need to involve another team. Imagine what he could do in the NL Central!

That is it for now!


  1. Anonymous1:17 PM

    I've Got A name for you: Scott Kazmir. it may sound kind of crazy. but when kazmir becomes a free agent. he will want a contract just like the one A.J Burnett Got. and Tampa Can't Give anyone a contract like that. so if the cubs could convince tampa to trade him he would be great in the cubs rotation.

  2. Anonymous9:14 PM

    i was just wondering jon garland seems to be a good fit for the cubs
    since he was with the cubs he was drafted by the cubs and traded for matt karchner
