Monday, January 05, 2009

Cubs Sign Bradley.

The Cubs have signed Milton Bradley to a three year 30 million dollar deal " with some options in the deal." Rosenthal says the two sides have to work through some language in the contract but it should not be an issue.

This is good news( even though I think Dunn is a better fit power wise). 3 years 30 million is a reasonable price considering Burrell got a 2 year deal worth 16 million. Burrell is a big time power hitter with low average, bad defense, and right handed. While Bradley hit for power and average, decent defense, and a switch hitter. Not to mention Milton is 2 year younger than Burrell.

Now is Bradley 2 million more dollars a year better than Burrell??? Absoultly!

Now if they can just trade Soriano, sign Dunn to play LF, and trade for Peavy, I would be extremely happy, but that will not happen.


  1. Anonymous5:49 PM

    Look man,as much as i enjoy reading your blog, you have good thoughts and ideas, but i truly think that Dunn is a waste. He strikes out more than enough, which is something that i would rather not bring back, a la corey patterson + sammy sosa. Dunn is also a terrible defender and is not the greatest outfielder.
    I'm not trying to be a jerk, but I just think that Dunn isnt what the Cubs need. Other than that, love you blog.

  2. Anonymous7:30 PM

    dunn might strike out alot and play not great defense but at least he can stay healthy through an entire year. and he has more power then bradley..and just for the record by u posting "im not trying to be a jerk" you are being a jerk

  3. Anonymous1:24 AM

    Dunn is very overrated, in spite of 5 straight 40 homer seasons he has never been in the top 4 in the NL in rbi's. He also averages less then 2 sac flys a year. He isn't a good hitter or clutch rbi man. He has the softest 40 homers ever and when you have more flaws in your game then most it isn't enough. Wanting Dunn over Soriano is a down grade because he has all of Soriano's flaws and then some. His D is shockingly even worse which is sad.

  4. Why does disagreeing with someone
    make you a jerk? I like reading everyones opinion. If this team stays healthy, and i worry most about(Zambrano,Harden,Bradley and Soriano) i think we will be playing the Yankees in the world series.

  5. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Look at the OBP of the Cubs starting line up.

    BRADLEY 436
    FONTENOT 395
    THERIOT 387
    RAMIREZ 380
    SOTO 364
    LEE 361
    SORIANO 344

    The only Cub starter with an OBP under 350 is Soriano. Dunn OBP 386
    122 BB with his 164 SO's and 100 RBI's. this is Nick I
