Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Marquis for Vizcaino Done and Cubs Looking to Deal Soriano??

Here are some more rumors today-

- The Cubs completed the deal that sent Vizcaino to the Cubs for Jason Marquis. The Cubs could flip Vizcaino in another trade or hold onto him to fill Howry's role last year in the pen. The Cubs will pay 1 million for Marquis' 9.875 million and all of Vizcaino's 4 million dollar contract. So they end up saving 4.875 million next season by dealing Marquis.

- According to the MLB Network, the Cubs are quietly shopping Alfonso Soriano and the 6 year 106 million left on his contract. With Tex getting 8 years 180 million and Manny looking for 4 years 100 million it is no wonder why Sorianos' 6 year 106 million may look appealing. He is a decent LF with a lot of pop, and speed. He could also benefit by going to the AL by doing to DHing. There are several teams looking for a dynamic hitter including the O's, Dodgers, Mets, Braves, Nationals, and others. I am assuming the Cubs could get a good return for him as well as a team taking on a lot of his contract.

The one thing that makes me wonder is if Soriano is moved will another LF be in the mix during the trade or would they sign a guy like Abreu or Dunn to play LF to give them more balance in the lineup? Or could Soriano be apart of a multi team trade that could net the Cubs, Roberts, Peavy, or a player like that? Or would he even waive his no trade clause?

I have mentioned earlier this offseason that Soriano could be move and different scenarios. Lets see if this rumor has legs.


  1. Ok here is what I would like to see.....trade Soriano and Kevin Hart to the O's for Roberts, Olsen and a prospect. Then swap Olsen, and several other prospects of their choice to the Pads for Peavy. And then the biggie, SIGN MANNY!!!! I don't care what people say, he is a winner!!! He and Z show'd they are buddies at the AllStar game and a happy Z and happy Manny would be huge!!!


    Roberts 2b
    Theriot SS/Fuku CF
    Manny LF
    Aram 3b
    Bradley RF
    Lee 1b
    Soto C
    Fuku CF/Theriot SS

    Bench: Fontenot, Miles, Hauff, Bako, Reed


  2. I think a trade with the orioles is the best because

    Cubs get Roberts Sherill

    Orioles get Soriano

    I think that trade could work what do u guys think

  3. Anonymous7:13 PM

    Look anyone who is getting a boner over Dunn being a Cub doesn't get the NL. The guy is a defensive liability. He is a natural DH. We don't need a big whiffer and bumbling fool in the outfield. He would need to hit 80 HR's to make up for his inepptitude in the field and moving runners over. My 2 cents worth.

  4. Anonymous7:17 PM

    I would love to see Manny in Cubbie Blue for a couple years. He dont need more than 2 years cause he would freak out on the team again. But he is one of the damn best hitters around. RBI masheen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Anonymous7:20 PM

    jord... wat hapnd to harden?

  6. Anonymous9:20 PM

    Guys, it sounds good on paper but I think the Cubs will hold on to him 4 at least another 2-3 years

  7. Anonymous10:15 PM

    Jrod forgot about Rich Harden.

  8. My bad, I blame the Miller Lites on forgetting Harden LOL. I would put Harden in the 5th spot in the rotation. And sense he is a 5 or 6 inning guy then Marshall would be getting alot of action in his games too.
    I believe Marshall get's dealt in a Roberts deal....O's need pitching. But from everything I've read "they" claim no way he goes.
    We'd probably have to send atleast one more pitcher to the O's either way, maybe they would take Guzman or Hill?

  9. I gotta say you guys are great, none of you really blast each other like on other boards such as ESPN. Most of the guys and gals there are real a-holes. I realize we tend to wear blue colored glasses as they say but it's no reason to be jerks. If you don't agree then simply say so and maybe say why, don't go and call the poster a moron or idiot.
    None of you guys do that on this blog/message board and I think that is greaT!!! Thanks all!!

  10. Anonymous8:22 PM

    If Harden gets the proper preseason training he could be the ace. Ace as a #5 starter! Not too farking bad! It is nice to have 3 or 4 guys that could be the ace of the staff. Takes pressure off the other guys not to have to throw a shut-out every time out also and makes for a little healthy competition.
