Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Some More From Spring...

- Lou said he is 80% sure Theriot will leadoff and Fukudome will hit in the two hole.

- Kevin Millar and Jeff Baker will receive playing time in LF over the next few days.

- If the season started today Tyler Colvin and Kevin Millar will make the team.

- Lee and Aram will not return to the lineup until Thursday to get added rest for their injuries.

- Andres Blanco is expected to return by the weekend. If he come back healthy I would have to think seriously about replacing Baker with Blanco.

- Lilly is close to facing hitters and then if that goes well he will pitch in a cactus league game.

- Jeff Gray will face live hitters by the end of the week. I hope he comes back healthy because he would add more depth to the pen.

- Carlos Silva is still in the running for the 5th starter position. I would not mind seeing if he could be a set-up man, but after today outing he looks like a starter.

- Mike Fontenot will likely be the starting 2nd baseman to start the season.

- I honestly believe that Casey Coleman should be one of our starters. A young kid with good control and movement is hard to find even though we already have a player like that named Randy Wells.

Until Next Time....

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