Friday, March 19, 2010

Notes and Rumors from Cubland.....

- According to Sean McAdam of the Cubs and D'backs are interested in right-hander Boof Bonser. Bonser is out of options and would have to clear waivers to be sent to the minors. It is interesting tha the Cubs would like Boof considering they already have Silva who has actually thrown the ball better than Bonser.

- The Cubs made more cuts today sending Blake Parker, Jeff Stevens, and Welington Castillo to AAA Iowa. They also sent Casey Coleman, Andrew Cashner, Thomas Diamond, JR Mathes, and Bryan LaHair to minor league camp. The roster is now down to 42 players. I was surprised Coleman was sent down, I just do not know why they Cubs did not give him a chance to win the starting job. I was also surprised at Diamond, Stevens, and Casher were sent down so early.

- Angel Guzman is out for the season, he is having his 3rd surgury.

- Levine said Berg and Caridad are leaders for a setup role in the pen.

- Jeff Gray threw a simulated game today but will either start the year on the DL or start in the minors. He has one option left.

- Lilly is still on track to make an appearance in a Cactus game.

On a side note, I just want everyone to know I will be doing my 2010 projections the last week of Spring Training so I know what the roster will shape out to be, so look for that.

Until Next Time.....

1 comment:

  1. Surprised how little attention Berg is getting, and how much Samardjia is.He has been pretty much BAD.Yet he seems to be considered a lock to make the roster.Go figure.
