Thursday, July 30, 2009

Cubs Get Two Gs!

UPDATE 4:55 pm- ESPN Chicago says the Cubs sent pitchers Kevin Hart and Jose Ascanio to Pittsburgh for Grabow and Gorzelanny. confirms this adding the Pirates got third baseman Josh Harrison. Seems like a fair trade.

We heard earlier today that the Cubs were in serious discussions with the Pirates about Tom Gorzelanny and John Grabow. Now Kovacevic is saying the is almost done. Chris De Luca says the Cubs are close ot getting just Grabow and ESPNChicago's Jon Greenberg agrees that they are in the final stages of getting Grabow. Jon Heyman says a deal for both are very close.

From my source it is said that the Cubs are on the verge of getting both Grabow and Gorzelanny. It is not know what the Pirates will recieve in return by my source says "don't be shocked" if it includes Kevin Hart or a middle infielder. He says the club will use Gorzelanny as a starter and take the place of Hart in the rotation.

I am also hearing word on from another source that the Cubs plan on flipping Tom Gorzelanny to another team for a "versatile player with a good bat." We touched on an "Unfounded Rumor" earlier that involves both Grabow and Tom, could this be the same rumor? Is Teahen coming? I will update you as I hear or see it.


- Gordon Wittenmyer of the Chicago Sun-Times said earlier today that the Cubs are looking to add a platoon partner for Milton Bradley in RF. He names off Jermey Hermida and Mark Teahen (both good options). After this rumor was published ESPN's Jayson Stark and Bruce Miles of the Daily Herald says the Cubs are only looking for a left handed reliever, not a bat.

1 comment:

  1. I think Hart is better than Gorzelanny. And Guab (AAA) is better than Grabow. He is no Sherrill. Unless they plan on using Marshall as a starter or trading Gorz for someone else i think Pit made out in this deal.
    I agree with Sorianos statment we don't need to trade for anyone just get healthy.
