Friday, December 01, 2006

Soriano, Free Agents, Winter Meetings... Oh My!

Good new for all according to The Chicago Tribune Soriano wont be playing winter ball! Here's the article-

While the Cubs met almost all of Soriano's demands, they are unwilling to go along with his wish to play winter ball in the Dominican Republic to give his hometown fans a chance to watch him play."I told him I would prefer he not play, and he was agreeable to that," Hendry said.Hendry didn't explain his rationale, but there are easily 136 million reasons he could come up with.
Meanwhile Hendry heads to next week's winter meetings in Orlando with a shopping list of potential starting pitchers and wad of cash to spend.He said Thursday he has not yet had any discussions about bringing back Greg Maddux and reiterated he has made no offer to Jason Schmidt, who heads a list the Cubs are interested in, along with Ted Lilly, Gil Meche and Vicente Padilla.
Hendry also will be scouring the transactions list this weekend to see if any arbitration-eligible players are not tendered contracts.The Cubs will offer arbitration to Carlos Zambrano and Mark Prior and likely will include Will Ohman on that list, even if they decide to trade him.

I love the three pitchers Jim is intrested in.. I hope they get one of them and Westbrook, if that deal is even out there.. Also good news about Sori, im glad Jim said no winter ball! we dont need our new investment to get hurt.. That would kill the cubs!! Good job Jimbo!


Newsday also reports this-

"On the positive side, as concerns loom that Glavine will return to the Braves, the Mets' chances of landing Barry Zito have only increased in recent weeks. The Mets, Cubs and Rangers are considered the primary suitors for Zito, the free-agent lefthander, and friends of Zito believe the 28-year-old would greatly prefer to pitch in New York over Chicago or Arlington, Texas."

I still cant believe were considered suitors for Zito.. I think he is out of reach and he will probly become a met.. they will sign him to a large 7 year 105 mil contract but only if they lose Glavine.. which seems certain he will go to the Braves.
The Dever post says that the cubs are intrested in Jennings-

"If a deal can't be reached for Jennings, it increases the likelihood he will be traded at the winter meetings to address multiple needs. The Cardinals, Cubs, Astros, Twins and both New York teams - Mets could dangle Brian Bannister - are among those that have expressed interest."

I thought we were out of the running for his when they ask for pie or hill but maybe the price will go down?? One curious note, if the mets dangle Bannister then i dont see any reason why Jennings would be in a mets uniform.. Now having said that if they land Zito, probably no reason to trade for Jennings.

Another intresting tidbit is in the Rocky Mountain News-

"Chicago Cubs right-handed pitcher Mark Prior, an Arizona neighbor of Jason Schmidt is trying to persuade the free-agent right-hander to sign with the Cubs..

If this is indeed true, I say thank you to Prior... He my be injury pron but at least he is trying to make this rotation better and stronger without relying on him or wood!!!

With the winter meetings starting you gotta believe there will be alot of signings and wheeling and dealing going on right out of the gate!!!

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