Thursday, November 30, 2006

Cubs offer Lugo multi year offer

Thanks to a poster, he informed me that is reporting the cubs want Lugo and have offically made a Multi year offer.. This is quite curious, I understand lugo is a good player but why would the cubs sign another shortstop to play center, plus he is right handed isnt he? my spectulation is that he signs and izzy or another outfielder gets traded for pitching.. Because without that the signing doesnt make sense.. why not just get Lofton for one year for 4 mill? Jim says he doesnt want to block Pie because he feels he mite be ready next year..Lofton could fell that void... This is a curious move by Jimbo but im not doubting him one bit this year until he is done


  1. Anonymous12:49 PM

    link? i can't find it...

  2. Anonymous12:50 PM

    link? i can't find it on

  3. Jerry Crasnick for ESPN reported the Cubs have made an offer to Julio Lugo. Couldnt find any other articles mentioning this, just the one under Rumor Central in in'.
