Tuesday, November 28, 2006


The score and sportscenter have both said the cubs HAVE IN FACT offered a deal to Schmidt. The deal is reported as 3 year 15million!!! Schmidt did say he doesnt want to go to the east coast but last time I check is Chicago isnt on the east coast.. also money talks.. This would be big for the cubs! A veteran pitcher with a killer sinker to follow Big Z... How sweet it is! Now all the has to do is accept the deal!!

Also the yanks have won the bid to talk to Kei Igawa.. 25 million to talk to him.. Wow! I guess the yanks wanted to show the Red Sox that they arnt the only ones throwing money around on Japan's players..


  1. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Hey thanks and keep the updates coming but i dont want to kill the excitment but espn 1000's Bruce Levine has said there was no offer, even though comcast sports has confirmed the offer. so no one really knows what is goin on right now but please keep the updates coming

  2. I did hear Bruce say that earlier today that there was no offer but then espn and the score both reported it within like 45 mins within eachother.. I found that very curious.. These rumors take off so fast who knows where the orginal rumor/info comes from.. One thing i do want to note, this mite sound a little like a consipercy but what happened to the Soriano press conference monday?? My opinion, he is waiting for a big deal/signing to go through before he announces Sori so MAYBE he can announce them on the same day.. Now thats just my thought, i could be really off base but we will see!

  3. Anonymous8:26 PM

    (i am same guy whop left the first comment)I had same though on the prosportsdaily forum.but any wayz i hope schmidt signs, they trade for westbrook, sign lugo for center sign floyd to spilt time with murton.

  4. i agree with everything you say except the lugo thing.. i feel if your gona fill that void in center field then you should fill it with a nonexpesive player with a one or two year contract.. The answer Lofton!! he will be cheap and effective! He had a better batting average than pierre, better arm, better OBP, better stolen base ratio, hes a left handed bat, and a great #2 hitter!!

  5. Anonymous5:03 PM

    I agree lofton makes ense but i have not herd any reports about it so i didnt he he was on our radar.

  6. i havent heard anything on lofton.. that was just my personal opinion.. i do know hendry always has liked Kenny and i can see him making that move if he cant get a big bat from a trade or feels pie is only a year away.. It will sure be intresting!!!
