Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Random rumors and talking

This according to

Barry Zito, LHSP--Oakland Athletics
The Yankees, Cubs, Rangers, Dodgers, Cardinals, Angels, Padres, Mets and Red Sox are among 12-15 teams that are interested. The Dodgers say they will not pursue him. He is interested in playing for 8 of those teams, including the LA teams and the Padres. Mets have made him their top target. He is seeking 7-years, $105M. Rangers will be willing to give him $75M. Angels have made an offer....

I dont see the cubs shelling that much out for a fly ball pitcher.. He is good dont get me wrong and if he signed i would welcome him with open arms.. I just feel we need more than one pitcher in our rotation.


An Internet report that the Cubs were offering San Francisco free-agent pitcher Jason Schmidt as much as $45 million for three years is unfounded, sources said Tuesday night.

Officals say in the Tribune along with the Suntimes that this rumor is unfounded.. Its amazing how this rumor got legs so fast!! Now having saying that who say the Cubs officals arnt telling the whole truth or the deal could be a complete lie.. we will know in a week i would have to think.


Despite a flurry of national reports Tuesday, Cubs insiders vehemently deny they’ve offered free-agent pitcher Jason Schmidt a three-year, $45 million deal.
That doesn’t mean the Cubs aren’t interested in Schmidt or that they won’t make an offer. But they need two starting pitchers, and it’s more likely they’ll come from a pool that includes Gil Meche, Vicente Padilla, Jake Westbrook and Jason Marquis.

The Schmidt deal appears false in the paper but cub fans keep you head up.. I tell you what, with a runner up prize of a maybe a combination of Meche, Padilla, Westbrook, or Marquis you cant be mad... I like the thought of Westbrook and Padilla or Meche in our rotation.. i expect Jimbo to get alot accomplished in the next 2 weeks( rotation and centerfielder)

Alot of noise is starting, and i will do my best to keep everyone updated on Cubbie Rumors!!!

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