Sunday, March 06, 2011

Cubs/Phillies discussing trade...

According to my sources the Phillies and Cubs are discussing a trade that would send Kosuke Fukudome to the Phillies for Joe Blanton. The Phillies are looking for another established player to round out there outfield since Dominic Brown went down with injury. The Phils have called the Red Sox about Mike Cameron but talks have not gone far which is why the Phillies and Cubs have discussed a trade around Fukudome.

The Phillies have been looking for suitors for Blanton and the Cubs may have more interest that previously thought with the Carlos Silva blow up. The Cubs also have a good problem on their hands, they have several good outfielders and only a few spots. Trading Fukudome would allow the Cubs to play Colvin full time in RF along with keeping Johnson and Perez on the 25 man roster.

One other thing I am hearing is the Cubs want to send Silva along with Fukudome in a deal but the Phillies want nothing to do with Carlos. No word on the money that would exchange hands, if any.

More on this as I hear it.

Until Next Time....


  1. Anonymous11:20 PM

    No way. Phils do not need another left handed bat. Much less a left handed bat that has never hit .260 and is extremely overpaid.

  2. Anonymous1:08 PM

    Why would the Phillies make such a move? They need right-handed hitting now that Werth is gone. They're loaded with lefties already.

    Plus, why would the Cubs acquire another back-of-the-rotation starter? They already have about six guys jockeying for the fourth and fifth spots, with Randy Wells the favorite to get one of the spots.

    I'll be happy when Kosuke is gone, but this sounds like another crap rumor (remember Carlos Lee to the Cubs?) that your site is known for.

  3. I hope the cubs keep Fukudome as the 4th OF. But if cubs are trying to save a million here and a million there, this deal makes sence. Fukudome 13.5 mil. Silva 6 mil. and Blanto 17 mil. ( 18 mil. if he makes innings pitched) Philly is also looking for lefty help in the bull pen. How about Fukudome and Grabow 4.8 mil. Out of all the pitchers on this team Grabow is the one i would like to see go.

  4. Anonymous1:25 PM

    This trade could swing in the Cubs favor if they want to expand the trade. The Phillies are now looking for a second baseman with Utley on the shelf for a while. The Cubs could offer Blake Dewitt for a good prospect to force their hand. Their only other option is Eckstein who has no upside.

  5. Anonymous2:04 PM

    any update to this rumor?

  6. Anonymous7:45 AM

    Where do you get these rumors? Ilove your page, but none come true.
