Sunday, January 23, 2011

Soriano Was Almost An Angel...

According to my sources Alfonso Soriano almost packed his bags and headed west to Anheim before the Angels traded for Vernon Wells. Back on January 10th and 11th we at HSC told about the two trade rumors we received regarding the Cubs and Angels. One of those trades involving Soriano among others going to the Halos for Scott Kazmir and others.

We have now heard that a potential deal with the Cubs and Angels was actually in place twice before talks broke down. The first deal did involve several players that included Juan Rivera, Fukudome, Gorzelanny (before he was traded), Soriano, Kazmir, and Napoli. After talks stalled between the two teams Gorzelanny was traded to Washington.

But that was not the end of it. Sources tell us on January 19th the Cubs and Angels had a deal in place that would have sent Soriano and John Grabow to the Angels for Mike Napoli, Juan Rivera, and a minor league reliever. Soriano actually makes 14 million less that Wells but Vernon has a better glove, younger, and can play CF. Word is the Cubs were waiting for the Angels to sign off on the deal when Alex Anthopoulos stepped in with the Wells deal. Sources even say that Soriano was ready to sign off on the trade but the Angels chose Wells, even though more expensive, is the more complete player than Soriano. Once again we see a trade that almost happened fall through at the last minute.

We at HSC will continue to give you the latest rumors and news through out the entire baseball year. So keep reading and posting!

Until Next Time...


  1. Anonymous7:48 PM

    Hi, you don't have sources and I'm pulling the "bullshit" card.

  2. Anonymous2:38 AM

    cubs suck. what a joke of a franchise....all that payroll and 0 results. when is the last time they were relevant?

  3. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Mike (Wheeling, IL)

    How serious were discussions with the Angels regarding Alfonso Soriano and what were the details? I'm glad the Cubs didn't move him because adding Napoli as a spot starter at catcher and a fill in vs. tough lefties at first doesn't do much for me. Juan Rivera is nothing special and is always hurt. If the Angels were to pony up some prospects the deal would've made more sense... Please comment. Thanks!
    Bruce Levine
    (1:25 PM)

    I don't believe that the Angels were ever seriously interested in Soriano.

  4. Anonymous9:03 AM

    If you don't think the Cubs are relevant, why are you on this website.

  5. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Yeah i agree with the bullshit card. You don't know shit. Honestly you have no sources, you just throw out random shit, that doesn't even make sense.
