Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Nady Has Bad News.... Bradley is a BAD MAN

- Xavier Nady continues the bad injury news that has plagued the Cubs this Spring. It is said today that Nady will not he able to throw at full strength until June but that he will play with his arm at less than 100%. Nady is currently throwing at 120 feet. With Nady's arm issues the Cubs are more inclined to give Sam Fuld a roster spot over Micah Hoffpauir according to the Tribune.

My question is why in the HELL would they even consider Micah Hoffpauir on this team when guys like Kevin Millar and Chad Tracy are more deserving. To be honest I am not fully sure that Fuld belongs on this team either with the dynamic play of Brad Snyder and Tyler Colvin so far this Spring. The Tribune needs to get a clue!

I also think if Nady is not able to play the outfield like he should they need to place him on the DL to start the year and give the fourth outfielder job to someone else until he is able.

- Here are the latest links from the Bradley Saga that still haunts the Cubs.

Bradley's interview link
Soriano to Bradley link
Hendry blames himself link
Bayless sounds off link
Hey Bradley look in the mirror link

I will not beat a dead horse here but let me say Skip Bayless hit the nail on the head. I think every Cub fan does not care what color you are, just preform. He did not so he took the heat that he could not handle. Bradley is Bradley no matter what city he is in, watch the same issues will arise in Seattle, I guarantee it!


  1. WOW... thats all I had to say when I heard the retard talk. He is very Christian and blah blah blah. HE IS AN IDIOT. He pretty much said Chicago is racist, without really saying it. Im sorry, DLEE is going GREAT! Chicago would be a hard place to play, because we expect to win, and we expect EACH player to play hard. Im sorry, playing hard isn't throwing the ball in the stands with two outs. His head was never in the game, and he really didn't care. He didn't produce, and he made people mad with his stupid comments. I have nohing to say to this guy, and he needs to shut up and focus on the M's. P.S. I think C. Lee will be with the Cubs at the end of the year!

  2. Anonymous10:23 PM

    Just Back From Arizona. Observations:
    Silva was freaking awful.. hit hard, couldnt hold anyone on.
    I wanted to take some swings off the meatballs he was serving up.

    Middle Relief is going to be scary.. none of the young pitchers I saw made an impression.

    I agree on Colvin.. he looked good at the plate, so did Jackson, though he's far from ready.

    Coleman looked good on the mound.. we could be seeing him up in Chicago soon.

    Castro looked good at the plate and on the field.. Why not start him now and move Theriot to 2nd?? Not a fan of Baker and Fonte.

    Standing next to ARam and Soto, they looked real skinny.. I hope they didn't lose power with the pounds.

  3. Anonymous7:09 PM

    easy dude, you don't even know him off the field. not that i do...but easy, i don't think you have the power to judge what type of "man" he is.

  4. Yes, I can judge. This is America. The right to say what I want! :) Thanks for telling me what to do tho.
