Thursday, March 04, 2010

Game One- Nothing But Positive Results

Did the Cubs ever show off the bats today in their first Spring Training game. Not only did the Cubs pile on 16 hits but they also got Homeruns from Lee, Byrd, Colvin, Snyder, and Fuld. Randy Wells pitched well giving up nothing in 2 innings of work while striking out two while Marshall and Caridad gave up no runs or hits as well.

I know it is only the first game but it seems that Colvin, Snyder, and Fuld are all serious about nabbing the last outfield spot on the team.

Good start for the Cubs.


  1. Cubsfan318:33 PM

    Now if only they can keep this up... I am hoping Colvin gets the nod but would be happy with any of them. Unless of course they can go out and sign Sheffield to a contract similar to G. Andersen's!!!

  2. Anonymous8:58 PM

    Why would Lou stay if the new ownership wasn't set on winning in the final year of his deal?
