Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Checking On the Mill

Here is the latest on the rumor mill with a lot chimed in from Bruce Levine's live chat-

- Jose Contreras and Johns Smoltz fit the needs for the Cubs and Levine even says Sheets would as well. I say save the money and sign Smoltz!

- Bruce says Blanco will have a spot on the 25 man roster as a backup infielder for the Cubs. Him and Baker make a nice infield backup team for the bench. The bench still needs some beef though. How bout Bill Hall?

- Levine warned us that just because Fontenot is arbitration eligible does not mean he will be with the Cubs on April 5th. Man, I really do not want Fonty to be our starting 2nd baseman or Baker. In fact I would prefer Blanco over both players because of his defense.

- Hudson and Lopez would be the ideal left-handed bats to the Cubs lineup but both have flaws.

- Levine says the deal for Ryan Spilborghs is still on the table. I would welcome him with open arms.

- The Cubs continue to talk to Jose Contreras and would consider Jon Garland as a starter. Which falls in line with Hendry wanting to add to his pen and another starter. I still think 2nd base and the bench is a bigger problem Jimbo!

- The Cubs feel Brad Snyder is not to far away from the Majors. I agree with that!

- The Blue Jays want Guzman for Jason Frasor. I say no!

- Lets all hope Andre Dawson gets the call today. He deserves it!

More Later....


  1. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Blanco over Baker? You're insane.

  2. Because Fukudome is the only lefty in the starting line up, if they don't make a deal then Fontenot or Blanco would start. I also think Kennedy is the left handed 2B the cubs will get. He plays 3B also and would be insurance for Ramirez.
    Though i prefer Castillo.

  3. Baker showed me a lot last year.Maybe he's a flash in the pan,but he should be the front runner for that position during ST.I would like to see Blanco at short though.
