Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Cubs Hot Stove Talk....

Bruce Levine's Latest-

- Jim Hendry is trying hard to deal Bradley to the Mets or Rays or a combination of the 3. We have already heard a swap that included Luis Castillo, Burrell, and Bradley. Lets hope that actually happens.

- There is ZERO chance Bradley is a Cub next season according to Levine. I totally agree with him.

- Chone Figgins is too expensive money wise and Granderson will cost two really good young players so neither one is likely to be on the Cubs next season.

- Andrew Cashner is expected to be in the Cubs' plans sometime in 2010 while James Russell figures to be int he plans after the 2010 season.

- Levine says the Cubs need to address their bench next season. I think they should just add two outfields to replace Reed Johnson and Milton Bradley and a starting 2nd baseman. That would leave Jeff Baker, Andres Blanco, Koyie Hill, Jake Fox, among others that would provide a strong bench for the Cubs.

- Ricketts likes Derrek Lee a lot and will likely sign a one-year extension during the Spring with some sort of an option. I would not mind seeing 3 more years of Lee.

- Levine looks at Rick Ankiel as a "nice platoon player" for the Cubs. He says no one knows if Ankiel can a be production everyday player. How about signing Rick Ankiel and Mike Cameron or Rick Ankiel and Rocco Baldelli. Either one of those I would be thrilled with for next season.

- The Cubs could have interest in Ben Sheets due to his price and the Cubs payroll issues. One problem is his health problems

- Ricketts will not spend anymore money at least until Bradley is traded.

Other Talk.......

- Some media members think not offer arbitration to Harden was the right thing considering he would have to turn down 10 million for next season which he is not expected to get on the open market.

- Bradley is expected to be traded at the winter meeting next week. No shocker there.

- The Daily Herald stats there is some optimism that a deal could get done at the meetings next week with Texas or Tampa for Bradley. They then say the Cubs could move onto Marlon Byrd or Mike Cameron. Byrd has already been deemed to expensive for the Cubs, especially now because he got offered arbitration.

- ESPN says the Cubs may look to Vicente Padilla or Jarrod Washburn as a replacement for Harden. WOW! I doubt the Cubs have enough cash to sign one of those pitchers. If they are looking at that price tag why not sign Doug Davis? He is a much better option.

- The Cubs had interest in Rafael Betancourt until he was offered arbitration by the Rockies.

More as the Hot Stove heats up.........


  1. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Why are we waiting for Bradley to be traded? We gained about 3 million in the Heilman trade and about 11 million yesterday. Are we on an auterity program?

  2. A couple months ago you thought 6 players had a good chance of being traded. So far your half right. Heilman, Miles and Fox are gone. Bradley, Marshall and Fontenot are getting close. Keep up the good work.

  3. Fox and Miles traded to A's for prospects.
