Friday, July 31, 2009

Busy Day for All Clubs Except Cubs.

Today was a busy day for a lot of teams in baseball but not the Cubs. Lets take a quick look at the other deals today.

Jake Peavy sent to the White Sox for minor leaguers. Peavy approved the deal this time.

Marlins got Nick Johnson.

Reds got Scott Rolen for Edwin E.

Yanks got Jerry Hariston Jr.

Braves got Adam LaRoche for Casey Kotchman. Interesting trade.

Twins got O-Cab.

Red Sox got Victor Martinez.

Tigers got Jarrod Washburn.

A lot of trades today not including the Cubs. I am glad that the Cubs did not try to trade for an injured Peavy and his large contract. That would have been a bad idea. I am also glad the Cubs did not make a non-sense trade like they did for Craig Monroe, Jody Geurt, and Matt Lawton in years past.

One thing that does surprise me is that the Cubs did not try to acquire an everyday 2nd baseman. Frankly, a Mike Fontenot and Jeff Baker platoon at 2nd does not spell out World Series Champions or even making it to the playoffs. There was plenty of players that were rumored to be available such as Mark Teahen, Willie Bloomquist, or Brandon Phillips. The Cubs simply decided to pass on all options for 2nd base which is a shame. Also the fact the Cubs had the farm system to get such players is upsetting.

My only hope now is that either Fontenot or Baker pick it up, or that they start Andres Blanco at 2nd because he at least has a great glove and a switch hitter, or they get someone through waivers in which the 3 I listed above will likely be claimed before the Cubs can get them or will not be put on waivers at all.

I do think Hendry dropped the ball on this, the Cubs needed an everyday 2nd baseman.


  1. ivorybanger156:46 PM

    I know we'd be better off with a really good 2B option, but hey, we won 90+ last year getting nothing out of RF.

  2. I think Hendry is looking for a SS
    so he could move Theriot to 2B. Someone with better range and a better arm.
