Thursday, June 25, 2009

Cubs Talk- DeRosa, Teahen, and More....

- The Cubs have considered bringing back Mark DeRosa. You can't blame them for trying to get him back. He would provide the versatility and bat the Cubs need on this team. Guys like Freel and Miles just do not cut it. Anyone who does not approve of this move needs their head checked.

- The Cubs are also very interested in Mark Teahen. He would also provide the Cubs with versatility and a good lefty bat. The Royals are to be listening to offers on everyone except their core players which leaves off Teahen strangely. I would love to see a Mike Fontenot, Mitch Atkins, and mid-level prospect for Teahen. That would make sense for both teams.

- Geovany Soto tested positive for marijuana while playing for Team Puerto Rico during the WBC. I do not see this being that big of an issue. It was once and he said it was a big mistake.

- Reed Johnson was placed on the 15 day DL and the Cubs called on Ryan Freel.

That is it for now. I may not be able to update the Hot Stove until maybe Monday or Tuesday because of a crazy weekend ahead. But stay tuned!


  1. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Sorry but we don't need DeRosa back. I was all against getting rid of him but when they did i figured that was the end. The reasons i don't want him is because A) he is getting older and i don't want to get rid of our prospects B) He is owed like 5-6 million dollars (the reason the cubs got rid of him) C) no one ever does good when they come back to their same team. The cubs don't need to trade away their farm system for these older guys. Restock the farm system and trade some older guys while they still have value. We do not want to become the sox...they have absolutely ZERO farm system and they are all old. We have to think about the future.

  2. Anonymous4:54 PM

    The Cubs are getting NOOOObody. Stop kidding yourselves. Smokescreen after smokescreen. Cubs fool you fans every year. Wow we got Nomar this unbelievable. Waste. Fred McGriff, hahahaha, Milton Bradley and his many teams. What a JOKE he is??? Injury prone Rich Harden. A 12.5 million dollar corner outfielder in center field that can only play against righties and even then he struggles to hit .270. Trading away an actual player in Mark Derosa and now we have all these little slap dick hitters. The Cubs franchise doesn't try to win. They just go after big name guys because their fans are too stupid to realize the actual truth behind these players they get. Hendry is always 2 steps behind. He won't figure out to trade Marmol when his stock is still high. What do you think we could get from a Boston or New York(either) for him?? Way more than he is worth. He will never be anymore than he is, a setup man with his far highs and very far lows. Cubs have to watch their budget though, because with the rate they are losing water coolers from their childish acting players, they could go bankrupt soon.

    -THETRUTH - Springfield, ILLINOIS
