Sunday, April 19, 2009

Milton Suspended and other notes..

- Milton Bradley has been suspended two games and fined after making contact with umpire Larry Vanover. Larry is the one that made the awful call so he should be fined as well. Milton is appealing the suspension. I think he should just take it and take it now while he is still hurting.

- The Cubs sale is still moving but slowly. It could take until the beginning of June now. The good thing is Ricketts said the first order of business is setting payroll for the rest of the season.

- The Cubs could make a move very soon by calling up a reliever or two up from AAA if things do not start improving. Chad Fox, Jeff Stevens, Jose Ascaino, Jason Waddell, and Greg Reindhard have not gave up any ER yet in AAA Iowa. Waddell has yet to walk anyone in 3 innings of work. Nice to see the guys in Iowa putting pressure on the guys in Chicago.

That is it for now. Go Cubs!!!


  1. Samardzija had a good start the other day too.

  2. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Thanks for the sale up-date.

  3. Cubsfan82, can you change the link on you Hot Stove Friends, because it no longer shows my new posts because I change my URL a few weeks back to

    Thanks, Cubbiefan07

  4. Tanner10:47 PM

