Thursday, April 23, 2009

MIlton Bradley to Sit and Bye Luis....

- Sweet Lou will sit Milton Bradley until he is completely healthy and it seems he is far from that after going 0 for 4 with 3 Ks last night. He has been bothered by a bad groin and may be out for a while but is available to pinch hit. Lou does not see him going on the DL. I got to say they should put him on the DL and call up Jake Fox, he has been tearing the cover off the ball in Iowa. Plus he can backup almost ever position on the field. Just my thoughts.

- The Cubs DFA Luis Vizcaino and recalled Shark from Iowa.


  1. I like Fox. But i did not know he could play anything other than OF and he can't play that to well either. I thought he was just a DH. For a team that was suppose to have alot of offense, WE SUCK. Lee,Bradley,Soto,Miles and Fontenot all did good last year. Not one of them is batting .225 and Gathright who never could hit is batting .000. Cubs score 3 runs in 3 games against Cincy. To bad none of the above have options left, i'd send all of them to AAA.

  2. They should DFA Cotts. Vizcaino did better than him. Sign JK Bong from Korea for the lefty arm in the pen.

  3. Anonymous8:24 PM

    move soriano and lee? they are clogging up the lineup, tired of watching it. who says i'm crazy now? Raul Ibanez instead of bradley isn't looking so bad now is it? if we have to rely on free swinging, no approach soriano, lazy derek lee, and bradley we are in big trouble.

  4. Anonymous8:23 PM

    i agree. lets bring up Fox and not rush bradley back. what a terrible pick up he'll turn out to be! 12 dl's in his career. Sour Lou won't send him on another one. "Watch what i can do for a veteran player" is for the better managers. Jimbo
