Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Calling All Cubs!

- It may look like the Cubs are finally getting healthy. They are expect to get back Lee, Marmol, Aram, and Bradley all back in the gam tonight.

- Meanwhile Jake Fox is tearing the cover off the ball. He is hitting .443/.506/1.043/1.549 with 7 doubles, a triple, 11 homers, and 8 walks in just 18 games. The Cubs need to find a place for this guy. How bout the Cubs deal Lee to a west coast team and have Hoffpauir and Fox platoon at first? Just an idea.


  1. Anonymous11:57 AM

    There were reports that the Cubs did have a deal with DLee in it this offseason. He said "No". He has a no trade clause. He is not going anywhere.

  2. I remeber that as well but it was a trade to the O's. Derrek also said that if he did waive his no trade clause to would be closer to the west coast.

    I would love to trade him to the Angels for Chone Figgins straight up, then release or trade Aaron Miles and call up Jake Fox.

    That is my wish

  3. Anonymous4:59 PM

    I would love to see that quote. I have heard lots of speculation that he would wavie his no trade clause for a west coast team. I have never heard him say it or seen a quote in a paper. I think it is totally based on wishful thinking.

    P.S. I hope I am wrong.

  4. Anonymous5:24 PM

    DO THAT DEAL NOW! Cubs are not playing well AT ALL! GO HAWKS

  5. Anonymous8:43 PM

    even though i would LOVE to see the Cubs move Lee, I agree its not going to happen. 1 because the Cubs front office and staff are in love with his clubhouse personality, 2, because his contract doesn't include re-embursing the Cubs some of his salary for all of the rallys he kills by by grounding into double plays, and 3 because no-one will take his contract. Hopefully they will figure out that they at least need to move him down so he won't clog up the lineup anymore. Would be interesting to see what Hoffpauir would do on an everyday basis, but we know that wont happen.

  6. Anonymous9:54 PM

    Jake Fox is hitting .477 against RHP's - not sure a platoon is needed, but I get your point.


  7. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Lee is untradeable!

  8. Anonymous8:01 PM

    did anybody actually believe that dempster's year last year wasn't a fluke? we saw how he deals with pressure as a closer. clammy, stalling, fidgetty. He did the same thing in the playoffs last yr. Matter of fact thats the way he has always been, he just caught a good groove last year until he got hammered, then he lost it. Can't believe they gave him all that money. Same old Cubs.

  9. Cleon the Leo9:13 PM

    When is Soto gonna start hitting. Another fluke? Sure hope Hendry the mastermind is seeing his astrologer soon. We need some black magic to get this team clicking on all cylinders. This injury swine flu bug is biting the bats hard.
