Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Cubs Sale Almost Done??? is reporting that the sale of the Cubs is nearing completion. Because the Tribune is in Bankruptcy court, a court must be involved to approve the transaction to make sure the creditors are taken care of. Major League Baseball also needs to approve Ricketts. Kenney said MLB Commissioner Bud Selig has assured him they will do whatever necessary to get the sale completed. There is no time table set according to Kenney.

An Opening Days sale is unlikely, unless everything falls into place perfectly.

There are more notes on the Cubs, Wrigley, dining, tickets, etc at


  1. Anonymous9:11 PM

    I was sad to hear that Doug Deeds was sent down. This kid did everything well this spring. I hope he makes the club later in the season.

  2. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Is Mark Cuban still in the mix?
    thanks, Jimbo. Rockford, IL
