Saturday, January 10, 2009

Levine Latest, Bradley's Contract Details, and Backup Catcher...

- The Cubs could restart talks for Peavy soon but the new ownership groups for both will have to agree on it according to Bruce Levine.

- Bruce Levine also said that the Cubs are eyeing Aaron Heilman and that Ronny Cedeno could be a fit for Seattle. Heilman for Cedeno would work for me. Heilman could be a starting candidate if acquired, spend time in the pen, or flipped for another player. Hendry is to said that he likes Heilman and has tried to trade for him earlier this year.

- Here is some interesting contract details from Cots baseball contracts on Milton Bradley. Milton will only make 5 million in 09, 9 million in 10, and 12 million in 2011. The kicker is that 2011 may become a club option with a 2 million dollar buyout based on Bradleys' health. I really like the deal now!

- There has been whispers that the Cubs may sign Blanco as their backup catcher again, once the ownership situation is resolved. The Cubs love Hank White and have even talked about him becoming a coach for the Cubs organization of some sort after he retires from baseball. I really hope Hank signs with the Cubs.

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