Sunday, December 21, 2008

Marquis WIll Be Traded?? Adam Dunn... Hendry talk....

- It seems like the Cubs will trade Jason Marquis before opening day or even before the new year. The O's, Rockies, Mets, and Brewers are all looking for back of the of the rotation inning eaters. Those teams are looking at guys like Redding, Looper, and Marquis. The Brewers seem close to signing Looper, leaving three teams fighting for 2 players. My bet is Marquis to the Mets.

- The Adam Dunn situation is picking up some steam. Reported on Friday, I dropped the idea of Adam Dunn signing a discounted deal to play for the Cubs. It is reported that he is not looking for not a huge deal but a fair one. A source with MLBTR says the Cubs have"expressed pleasantries" with Dunn's agent, nothing more. Bradley is still the Cubs first choice, but would you take Adam Dunn for less money and/or years??? I would!

Bradley is reportedly wanting 3 year contract around 10-12 million a year. He has some injury concerns and whether he can play 140+ games. He is a good bat, switch hitter, and can play CF, so that is a plus.

Adam Dunn made 13 million last year but is unlikely to make that this year due to Ibanez's 3 years 31 million dollar contract labeled as a "ceiling" for an outfielder. Dunn has some defensive liabilities but can rake. It is likely he would take a 2-3 year contract worth about 7-9 million a year.

Which would you prefer-

Dunn- 3 years 26 million- Good Guy- Cubs are first choice-healthy- can play RF/LF/1b- less of a complete hitter.

Bradley- 3 years 32 million- Hot Head- Still talking to other teams- health issues- switch hitter- can play all three outfield spots decently- a complete hitter.

I pick Dunn!

- Hendry was on with Kaplan Friday, so lets check out the points-

****** Hendry would like to add a left-handed or switch hitting bat to the lineup.

****** Hendry said the Cubs would love to add a starter, but the new owner would have to sign off on it.

****** The Cubs do not know who their new owner is yet.

****** Hendry said the Cubs always have the door open if Maddux wants to return as a coach, player, etc.

****** Hendry was asked about Adam Dunn and he said he likes his power numbers and how he is an on-base guy.

****** He said the Cubs have not counted out adding anyone.

I am sure more is to come!


  1. I will still take bradley because we already have alot of strikeouts in the lineup

    If bradley has to sit out game the cubs have alot of outfielders but if bradley goes somewhere else dunn will probably sign with us then

  2. Anonymous2:03 PM

    I would love to see us add a switch hitter named O. Hudson and move dero to right. We upgrade infield D and Dero is much better than all three right fielders we are looking at.

  3. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Niice!! Now lets hope we can get a new owner for new years because i doubt anything happens this week!

  4. In my opinion Dunn is strictly a DH
    I like Bradley. Or trade Marquis to the Mets for Church.

  5. Anonymous9:09 PM

    I Like Adam's Bat he has a lot of power. but his batting avg is very low. And him Playing Right field in wrigley is a joke. that's why the cubs should sign bradley . I know that people think he has a hot temper but that is really more of a media driven thing. he has never been in a fight with a teammate.expect for that little spat with jeff kent. He has never been suspended by mlb . Bradley is not a bad teammate he is just very proud. and he often feels like he is disrespected. Milton bradley often gets hurt but when he is on the field he gives 110 percent. he has a good batting avg and his obp is great and he has good power about 25-30 per season. so it is best for the cubs to sign milton bradley NOW!!!!!!!

  6. Anonymous10:11 AM

    3years, $24 million...i'm calling it right now...whoever they signed it will be for 3years, $24 million

  7. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Anyone hear any more on the Rick Ankiel for right field rumor?
