Thursday, October 23, 2008

Cubs like Tex?? Soto ROY! Wood not coming back??

-According to some rival executives the Cubs may shop Derek Lee and persue lefty power hitter Mark Teixeira. Lee does have a no trade clause but may waive it to go to a west coast team. Seeing a Lee for Figgins and Santana would be nice or even Lee and Cedeno for Matt Cain is ideal if you can sign Tex to a deal. Another target suggested is Bobby Abreu, who I mentioned yesterday, which would be a great fit in RF. Other guys named are Brian Roberts, Raul Ibanez, and Crisp. I support the Roberts idea but not a fan of Crisp and do not want to see Ibanez in RF.

-Geovany Soto was named NL Rooke of the Year by The Sporting News. He deserved it!

- According to WSCR, Woody is looking for a 3 year deal and the Cubs have concerns about his health and are reluctant to give it to him. The Cubs are prepared to offer Wood a contract but are unlikely to go 3 years which means Marmol could be the Cubs closer next season, which is not that bad.

- Bob Brenly is the leading candidate for the Brewers management position. That would be interesting.


  1. Man... it would be hard to swallow if Wood left. I dont see why they are so concerned about his health. They did a mutual lets see how things go one year deal this past season in good faith. And the only injury Wood had to deal with was the blister right? Nothing related to the shoulder or elbow.

    Wood definitely deserves at least a two year deal. Hendry is good at getting creative, so what about a two year deal plus some sort of option third year (player or mutual)? Wood is still young enough where if he continues to establish his cred as a CL, he can easily cash in again in two years.

    I'm already getting sad at the thought of Wood leaving.

  2. Anonymous7:35 PM

    source please on TEX...


    Hey anonymous, why dont you create a name so I know who contributes to this site, plus it is easy to keep track of who visits on a regular basis.

  4. Anonymous9:45 PM

    Cubsfan82, I appreciate your effort on this blog, but while it all sounds well and good, I think you are over-estimating Lee's overall value. Why would the Angels give up Figgins (a premier lead-off hitter) and Santana(a 25 yr old stud starter) for a 33 year old first baseman that doesn't even have gap power anymore. Same to that Cain deal. Those will never happen unless Hendry threatens those GM's families or something.I like the idea of the trades but it isn't realistic. I agree that we should shop Lee in favor of Tex, but he is going to want A-Rod money.

  5. Anonymous9:59 PM

    Hermida may be a solid option as well.
    Also, some blogger from St. Louis was trying to tell me that a local sports station had the Cubs in a rumored deal: Soriano, Marquis, and Ceda to Detroit for Granderson, Verlander and Rodney......I just laughed and moved on.

  6. If we really could trade Lee for Cain. I would do it let Hoffpauir play 1b. (there is our left handed power hitter) the money we save by trading Lee and not signing Dempster or Wood(about 40 million) we could go after Sabathia and Furcal. Dempster and Wood did a great job, but why not get better.

    Zambrano (yes i'd have him 5th)


    C-Soto-R/Hill-S(let Blanco go)

    This would be agreat defensive team with great pitching. But it will never happen.

  7. ACW.. I wish that deal was true! Unload Marquis and Soriano's contract for a stud leadoff CFer who is signed below market, a good solid #3 or #4 starter in Verlander, and a nice reliever. I would do that deal to bad it sounds like a made up rumor!

  8. MLBTR under Bleed Cubbie Blue has Lee traded for Cain and Hinshaw. Then Marshall,Cedeno, Wuertz and Hoffpauir traded for Huff and Scott.Signs Cintron and Millar as free agents. then trades Cain and Pie for Nolasco. He also says Fukudome is going back to Japan. And we think we have some dreamers on this site.

  9. Anonymous8:19 PM

    They are not going to get rid of Lee he has the glove at firstbase the Cubs need, Aramis gets wild with his throws some times, Theriot tries to hard to make a good play and Lee usally bails him out. So what if Lee has not hit 40hrs he is around .300 and a good team leader. Tex would want to be "the star." Wood will be back he will get a incentive deal he has tried so hard to come back, they will not give him a one and done year. He has earned his place to stay a Cub till injury retirement gets him.

  10. Anonymous10:47 PM

    how do i sign up to get a name on this? i always come here for cubbies rumors.
