Tuesday, July 01, 2008

A whole lot of Rumors!

Hot Stove is about hot, so lets get to it-

- The Cubs have renewed interest in Brian Fuentes, they have the Cards and Rays as competition for him.

- The Rays like Matt Murton a lot. Like one of my posters says, maybe we can trade for Edwin Jackson straight up??

- I thank Peter Gammons and MLBTR on this one. Lots of good information here-

ESPN's Peter Gammons has a new blog entry up, with the focus on the Cubs' desire to add a starting pitcher. Gammons talked to a Cubs official who said, "We almost certainly will do something. But we really don't want to give up Sean Gallagher at this point."

Here's a quick rundown of the candidates:

C.C. Sabathia - Cubs don't believe they have enough to get him.

Rich Harden - Gammons doesn't specifically say the Cubs are interested, just that they're monitoring Oakland.

Randy Wolf - The Cubs have interest, and Gammons says Wolf would waive his no-trade to go to a contender. Plus, Wolf treated the Cubs well when they courted him in the 2006-07 offseason. Gammons adds that the Padres still like Matt Murton. History has shown that Jim Hendry and Kevin Towers work well together on trades.

A.J. Burnett - The Cubs "also keep looking" at him. Last Thursday, Gammons' colleague Jayson Stark hadn't found "any indication that the Cubs have even batted his name around."

Aaron Cook - Gammons says the Cubs would love him, but Rockies' GM Dan O'Dowd said earlier this month, "We're not doing anything with Cookie."

Bronson Arroyo, Kevin Millwood - Gammons says the Cubs have "kicked around" these names.

We have all heard these names before except Millwood and Arroyo, which both guys have an ERA over 5. Another name that is really interesting is Aaron Cook, he is 10-5 with a 3.64 ERA. Has a great sinker and having that low of an ERA when half the games you pitch are at Coors, outstanding!

I disagree with Gammons about Sabathia. I do think the Cubs have the farm to get C.C... but it would be hard without including Gallagher.

I honestly think the Cubs are going to surprise everyone and get Rich Harden or Justin Duscherer. They have been scouting Oakland a lot lately and I have another "tip" that they are scouting them tonight with Harden on the mound.


  1. Anonymous10:22 PM

    cook tonight pitched a complete game shut out tonight at coors. but guess what he threw only 79 pitches...damn!

  2. Anonymous11:01 PM

    its me again that questioned you about your facts or opinions anyways... Lets hope we land harden! he looks amazing right now!! what kind of package do you think we need to get him?
    veal murton ascanio??

  3. Anonymous12:34 AM

    apreciate the recognition on the edwin jackson-matt murton trade suggestion. Would really like this trade and it solves a need for both teams. Rays get a solid solution for right field and the Cubs get a flamethrower to add to the rotation. Love the blog, keep up the good work! Go cubs and lets get healthy!

  4. Wow! Cook is a stud! The Rox would have to be blown away to deal him and frankly if we do not have the goods to get Sabathia like the media is saying then we do not have them to pry away Cookie.

    As far as a package for Harden. Billy Beane says he would want at least 3 or 4 top prospects for Harden or Duscherer. The Cubs top ten prospects according to ArmchairGM are Vitters, Soto, Colvin, Ceda, Gallagher, Donaldson, Veal, Thomas, Hart, and Samardzija. So at least 3 or 4 of them. I wouldnt doubt they would have interest in Murton, Hill, Marshall, Pie, Hoffpauier, and Epatt.

    Looking at those prospects, how can you say we do not have enough to land Sabathia or Cook?? That is the question I ask the media.

  5. The reason media say the Cubs can't get C.C. is the CUBS only have 2 prospects in the top 50. Vitters and Soto. Rays have 5 no. 3,12,17,18,26. Vitters is 43 and Soto is 46. Cubs are rated no. 20 in prospects. But i do agree by adding some of our regulars we should be able to get a deal done. They need a first baseman and Hoffpauir is on fire.
