Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Cubs after Harden???

Thanks to MLBTR for this-

Cubs Pursuing Harden In Wake Of Sabathia Deal
By Tim Dierkes [July 7 at 8:47am CST]

How will the Cubs counter the Brewers' C.C. Sabathia acquisition? They simply can't match it, but the next best thing might be Rich Harden. Harden is also a frontline starter, but he lacks Sabathia's durability.

According to Chris De Luca of the Chicago Sun-Times, "the Cubs have spent a lot of time on the phone recently with Oakland Athletics GM Billy Beane trying to pry away Harden." De Luca says they've been discussed a deal for at least a month. Plan C is apparently Randy Wolf. Will Carroll says the Cubs "think they match up well for A.J. Burnett."

Jayson Stark commented on the Harden situation on Thursday:
The A's will consider any offers that allow them to add and subtract at the same time. But any Harden deal would have to at least approach last winter's Dan Haren extravaganza.

A reminder: Baseball America ranked Carlos Gonzalez as the game's #22 prospect, and Brett Anderson was #36. The Cubs don't have two players like that. Then add Greg Smith and Dana Eveland, who have combined for a 3.52 ERA in 207 innings this year. Oh, and toss in Chris Carter and Aaron Cunningham for good measure. That was a haul, even for an ace like Haren.

I do not feel Jim will just sit on his hands on this one. I think the Brewers acquiring Sabathia will put a lot of pressure on Hendry to make a deal and soon. Another pitcher the Cubs are hard after is Erik Bedard. He would not cost nearly as much as Harden but more than Wolf and Burnett.

Side Note-

Rich Hill is looking better. Yesterday he just allowed one hit, one BB, and 6 K's in 4 shutout innings in A ball. Good news for the Cubs and Rich Hill!


  1. Anonymous10:42 AM

    bedard seems to be a headcase (we already have a few of those) and a bad locker room guy, although he may fit in well as a #2 behind zambrano. he clearly has no interest in being "the man". I like the harden idea, but his history freaks me out. beane will likely ask for a truckload of prospects for him, but he and jim have a good relationship. he has #1 stuff but his health is questionable. burnett is just wildly inconsistent and im not interested in him at all.

  2. Anonymous12:50 PM

    here is a good one: cubs should forget about pitching and trade for more offense. trade for teixiera. Move fukudome to center field, move lee to right field. he is athletic enough to play right field and would play it well, then have mark t at 1st base. he is a gold glover at 1st so we wouldn't lose much defensively at 1st. our offense would be sick......haha i am only joking with this suggestion but it was fun to think about.
    jim hendry: go get rich harden

  3. Anonymous6:08 PM

    Cubs Get Harden. It's Official

  4. Anonymous6:27 PM

    we got harden, ha this is beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Word is that R. Harden will only pitch afetr the all star break and then only once every 7 days or less to keep him from getting dead arm. Hendry isn't done with getting another arm either. Heard this from a goat riders source.
