Tuesday, March 11, 2008

How many next weeks are there???- Roberts trade done next week?? And Other Rumors.

Jason Stark had something interesting to say last night. Stark talked to a club official who's in touch with the Cubs and O's. The official expects a deal to be done next week. Lets hope this finally gets done. I am for the idea of Roberts coming to the Cubs since Soriano has yet to show off his legs and we are 3 weeks away from Opening Day. Roberts would be the leadoff hitter and Soriano would be moved to the 5 hole where he will not use his legs as much. Although the Cubs should NOT give up Pie in the deal. On a side note, why not have Derosa split time at SS with Theriot or even move Roberts to short?? Just thinking aloud.

In other rumors the Red Sox are not interested in Fuld or Marquis but do like Donaldson and either Howry or Carmen Pignatiello. I would trade them Carmen and Donaldson for Crisp but to me Crisp would just be the 4th outfielder not a starter like he wants to be. Pie has shown why he should be the starter this Spring so he deserves the job.

Nick I, a devoted reader of mine, brought up Ryan Raburn as a potential trade candidate. First off I want to thank Nick for bring this to my attention. Ryan Raburn would be an ideal 4th outfielder on the Cubs. He hit well in the minors hitting .292 with 17 homers, 64 RBI, and 12 SB. He also posted a robust OBP of .394. In 138 AB in the majors he did extremely well hitting .304 with 4 homers, 27 RBi, and 3 SB. He had a nice OBP of .340. The question is would they be willing to trade him?? I would say they would listen because he is currently blocked by Granderson, Ordonez, Jones, Thames, and Inge. He is likely to start in AAA and it does not look like there in a hurry to get rid of the young righty but it's at least worth a call. Here is a list of relievers I would trade for him- Mateo, Pignatiello, Hart, Lahey, Ascanio, Petrick, or Marquis.

In other moves

- The Cubs have optioned Juan Mateo and Jake Fox to AAA Iowa and Jeff Samardzija to AA Tenn. They also released Mr. Zero, Shingo Takatsu.

Other notes-

- The Cubs regulars will get more AB.

- No lineup is set yet and Lou will insert Fukudome in the 5 spot sometime. I like him in the #2 spot in the lineup a lot!


  1. Anonymous9:09 PM

    I can see why the Red Sox wouldn't want to take Fuld and Marquis for Crisp. Marquis is a 4 or 5 in the National League, he will struggle even more in the American League East. Fuld, no matter how hard he plays, isn't going to get significant playing time over Manny, J.D. Drew or Ellsbury. I wouldn't give up Pignatiello and Donaldson as part of a deal for Crisp, especially since Crisp is only going to be a 4th outfielder in Chicago. I think that is too high a price to pay for an injury prone, bench player with no bat.

  2. Anonymous9:11 PM

    HI. Great site! I am planning to see some I-Cubs games this year. If any of you all go or live near the Des Moines area can you recommend any places to stay or stay away from? thanks, Jimbo

  3. Howry is a free agent at the end of this year and Lahey could be around for awhile. I think Howry is gone in a trade. Just my opinion

  4. Anonymous1:19 AM

    Pie has looked good this Spring... but lets not get too excited yet. We all know that... good or bad... Spring numbers dont always translate to the reg season. Dont get me wrong... I'm not saying trade him. I am perfectly satisfied with him catching everything from gap to gap while hitting .250 and stealing a few bases at the bottom of the order. Anything above that is just an added bonus.

    That being said... if we can get Crisp or Byrd or Payton without giving up too much... doesnt hurt either.

    Fuku looked good in the two hole... but if the Roberts unending rumors finally come true... we will need to move Fuku down in the order. In my opinion I wouldnt want two leftys at the top.

    Have Roberts lead off, either Soriano (who will see more fastballs... his pitch of choice... with Roberts dancing off of first and hitting in front of Lee) or D Lee (contact hitter with good eye of zone and some speed and pop) in the 2 hole, followed by Rammy at 3, whoever isnt used as the 2 guy at clean up, Fuku 5th, The Riot/DeRo at SS and 6th, Pie 7th (I've mentioned before why he would probably do better at 7 than 8), and Soto 8th.

  5. Anonymous9:19 PM

    I think we are giving up too much for Roberts if all these names being throw about are going to be included in the deal. C'mon.

  6. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Has anyone herd any more news about tampa bay looking to make a move with the Cub for a outfielder and leftie reliefer?? read yesterday about it on baseballmusings.com would be nice too get both of those. Murton supposed to be in the deal?

  7. Anonymous4:26 PM

    Hey, Jimbo! Coming to Des Moines for I-Cubs games????

    You'll enjoy Principal Park at Sec Taylor Field. First class. Great view of downtown skyline of Des Moines and state capital dome. Make sure to get seats on the 3rd base side for night games or you'll be blinded by the setting sun for more than half the game. As for dining, try Noah's Ark. Ask for the "pig's heart valve" pizza. A classic taste treat!!

