Saturday, March 15, 2008

Cubs still talking to Rangers??

According to sources the Cubs and Rangers are still discussing a possible trade for Byrd. The Cubs still are shopping them Murton but the Rangers want young pitching like Gallagher, Marshall, or Veal along with Murton. The Rangers are dreaming if they think this deal will go down. The only way the Cubs trade one of those pitchers is if the Cubs get a quality player like Roberts and Byrd does not fit the bill. I honestly do not think the deal will happen because the Cubs are going to get Payton in the Roberts deal. They would have no use for Byrd then unless they flip Payton to the Rangers for Byrd which will not happen.

The Cubs just need to get this deal done with Baltamore. The Cubs need a leadoff hitter that will steal 50 bases, bat .280+, and get on base more than they need an fourth outfielder. They do not need a CF'er they already have one in Pie. Come on Jim and Andy, play nice and get the deal done now!!

In other notes-

- Alex Cintron got hit in the cheek by a foul ball off Derosa's bat while Alex was in the on deck circle. He walked off the field under his own power and was taken to the hospital for Xrays. His status is day to day. I hope he recovers quickly, he has shown he belongs on this team as a super sub. He has batted .306 with .313 OBP and 9 RBI in 36 ABs, not to mention he has been clutch!

- Pie will be in the lineup Tuesday. He is still having soreness from his surgery and the Cubs do not want to take any chances on him coming back too soon. Pie is still the favorite to win the job in center. Pie is batting .321 with a .406 OBP and 2 homers. While Fuld is batting .192.

- The Cubs big hitters are struggling a bit but I am not to worried. There has been a lot of lineup changes, different players hitting in front and behind you, etc... You just can't look into Spring to much as a fan unless a guy really struggles or really does good, even then it is just Spring.

- The Cubs have two weeks to determine the two spots in the rotation and the long man in the pen. Dempster, Marquis, Marshall, and Lieber are fighting for two spots in the rotation, while one of the three will get the long man in the pen and the other being sent to AAA or traded. My favorites are still Lieber and Dempster( even though Demp had an awful outing yesterday). Leaving Marshall to be my long man and Marquis traded.


  1. I hope the cubs do get Byrd. But if they can't i looked at all the top ten prospects on each team that have been rumored to be looking for pitching. I also only took the right handed CF's. NNY's have Austin Jackson. ba 304 hr's 13 sb's 33 obp 370 at AA and AAA. DET. has Ryan Raburn ba 292 hr's 17 sb's 12 obp 394 and he had ba 304 obp 340 when promoted last sept. SEA. has Wladimir Balentien ba 291 hr's 24 sb's 15 obp 362.So if we can't get Willits, Byrd or Spilborghs, lets try getting one of these kids. We have pitching to trade.

  2. Maybe we should break camp with Demp, Marquis, and Lieber in the rotation and have Hill work out a little more in extended Spring.

    I'm not counting Hill out, but he has struggled so far and Lou does have a nice problem on his hand of trying to take two of the three above mentioned vet rightys.

    If we do this we can give the vets a start or two in the regular season to try to separate themselves from each other... and then ease Hill back into the rotation in place of the "losing" vet.

  3. Anonymous9:35 AM

    On Rich Hill:

    "Last year, the ball was coming out of his hand in Spring Training a lot better," Cubs manager Lou Piniella said. "This year, it's been a little more of a struggle for him, although he is throwing the ball better to his credit."

    Another reason we needed another quality starting pitcher in the off season! Pitching wins games. Can't count on Rich Hill yet. Too bad.

  4. Nick I love all those players and Austin Jackson would be my ideal pick although I like Raburn and Balentien. I think the Cubs should try to ge one of these guys before they talk with Texas about Byrd.


    THis is a great idea! I am not saying Hill should not be in the rotation but he is off to a really slow start and that scares me a bit. Maybe he will do better his next time out. By the way Lieber should be a lock for the 3 spot!
