Thursday, February 07, 2008

Schilling out for most of season. Cubs and Red Sox might be good trading partners??

According to MLBTR-
6:51pm: Schilling has opted for rehab rather than surgery, as decided by a third party doctor. Boston's doctor advised rehab, while one of Schilling's advised surgery. It's a partial rotator cuff tear, and it'll keep Schilling out until at least the All-Star break.

1:05pm: According to the Boston Herald, Curt Schilling has a possibly season-ending shoulder injury (perhaps a torn rotator cuff or labrum). Schilling's career in general seems in jeopardy, in
my opinion.

The Herald report says the Red Sox have already explored whether they can void Schilling's $8MM contract. That's created a conflict with the team and Schilling, and they're also at odds over him needing surgery. It's unknown whether the Red Sox missed the injury in his physical (seems unlikely) or if it happened since then.

With Beckett, Matsuzaka, Lester, Wakefield, and Buchholz, the Red Sox do have the depth to sustain this injury. But a solid sixth man other than Julian Tavarez would be nice. I don't see the free agent market offering much in terms of a mid-rotation addition.

It seems to me that the Cubs and Red Sox maybe a fit for a trade. The Cubs have been shopping Marquis and have a really strong rotation as it stands with Marshall, Gallagher, Dempster, Marquis, Lieber, and Hart battling for the 4th and 5th spots in the rotation. Why not send a pitcher the Red Sox way?? I would prefer that the Cubs send either Dempster or Marquis to Boston. Marquis has 2 years left on the deal and the Sox may require the Cubs to pay a portion of that. Dempster is a perfect fit in my opinion. He could be the veteran addition they need at minimal price and when Schilling comes back they can either deal Dempster or send him to the pen.

Now, what would the Cubs want in return?? How bout a CoCo Crisp for Dempster and a midlevel prospect?? It would give the Cubs the speed they need in the lineup, along with good defense, and a guy to share time with Pie in CF. Seems like a good fit to me! I also would not be opposed to a Dempster for a couple of decent prospects.

Here is a link to Crisp's stats-

On a side note, Bedard to Seattle will be announced by Friday. He is in Seattle now getting his physical done. Roberts to the Cubs by the weekend??? Who knows???


  1. Anonymous8:29 PM

    I thought the exact same thing as soon as I heard Schilling was injured. I would love nothing more than to have a speedy, Gold Glove caliber CF for Marquis....

  2. Anonymous10:24 PM

    The Roberts deal won't get done by the weekend. Just look at how long the Bedard trade has dragged on. They're Going to ask for Pie, which won't happen.
    This will lead to more talks and offers and before we know it, Spring Training has hit us. This deal will get done, if at all, right on the deadline date of Feb. 15. I don't see this being an easy swap. It will drag out and it will leave us waiting... probably for nothing in return.

  3. cubs fan/realist ( love you screen name!) I totally agree with you! It will go to the 15th and I have an idea that Angelos will turn down any offer becuase he likes Roberts so much. Im not a bit Angelos fan, I dont believe he should get as involved in the trade aspect of the game. Thats why you have GM's. I would like to see a deal that involves us getting Sherrill and Roberts for Gallagher, Colvin, Marshall, Epatt, and Cedeno... I think that is a fair package for both squads. No way I give up Pie, Hill, or Marmol in a deal for Roberts!! That is unacceptable.

  4. I wouldnt say our rotation is strong... we just have alot of depth.

    To be honest... the idea does make sense... but will the Red Sox really feel "forced" to make a deal? They were already wondering how they were going to get everyone in the rotation.

    Even if Schill is out for the year and done for his career... I dont see the Red Sox really needing to add a SP until the break... giving them time to see where they stand with what they got.

    That being said... of the options listed... they would probably lean towards Demp solely for the fact that they can toss him in the pen if the rotation gets full.

  5. Anonymous7:58 AM

    The Red Sox have Buckholtz to plug in the rotation for far less money that any of our castoffs and he is better that any of them also (no hitter last year)I would love to have Crisp but they dont need a pitcher.
