Sunday, February 24, 2008

I know we have heard this before.. but Roberts trade happening soon??

"Sources say that Orioles second baseman Brian Roberts will be traded to the Cubs as soon as the Orioles decide which pitchers they want in return. . . ."

We have heard this before but it seems more likely to happen now that Derosa seems to be out for a bit. I know Derosa is not expected to miss too much time but health does raise a concern and now I see a deal happening soon, before the games start this week. I can also see the package increase to something like this-

O's get Marshall, Gallagher, Cedeno, and Eric Patterson

Cubs get Roberts

Just my thoughts though!


  1. Anonymous5:32 PM

    i read about derosa and was going to ask you all who you thought the cubs might need to look but you've answered that. i have liked what i've seen from roberts. how much depth do the cubs have at middle infield? thanks, Jimbo

  2. Anonymous7:24 PM

    They wouldn't get Roberts just because Derosa is having health problems. Roberts to has been out of camp for his kidneys so i do not see that being the reason. Personally I would love to have Roberts but it better be done soon otherwise its going to be stupid if we have to change the whole line up around in the middle of spring. God i wish there was a decent short stop on the market the cubs could get. I would love the Indians Peralta.

  3. I could live with that package for Roberts.

    Jimbo... to answer your question... and assuming the names in the package are correct and the trade goes through... we are left with lefty Fontenot at 2B, switchy IF Alex Cintron, and several minor league FAs that were signed and invited to camp.

    Maybe someone else can add a few more names... I dont keep up with Cub minor leaguers like I used to.

    Vitters is a 3B who maybe MLB ready in terms of hitting in a year or so. Word was they are trying him out in OF cause he would be blocked by

  4. Anonymous8:28 PM

    Cubs got pretty decent depth in the middle infield. They got DeRosa, Theriot, Cedeno, Cintron, Fontenot, and Patterson. They also have Thomas who is a 2nd baseman in the minors right now but is still a few years away.

  5. Jimbo the players in camp that can play middle infield are, Fontenot, Theriot, Derosa, Cedeno, Cintron, Patterson, Scales, Figueroa, and i'm sure i missed a few.

  6. Anonymous7:26 PM

    Vitters will not be in the MLB for atleast 2 years. He was drafted out of highschool the kid is only 18.
