Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Lieber a Cub!

Former Cub and 20 game winner Jon Lieber is back with the Cubs. He signed a 1 year 3.5 million dollar contract. This a low risk move for the Cubs. They add depth to there starting pitching and also may make it easier to trade Gallagher, Marshall, Dempster, or Marquis in a deal. This move makes other moves a lot easier, while I still believe the Cubs need another top tier starter I am OK with this. Now the Cubs can move onto more outfield help and middle infield help. I honestly think the Cubs should target Figgins along with Roberts now that we have our pitcher in place. Either one would really improve the lineup. Lets just hope Jimbo is not done yet!


  1. MLB Rumors said ESPN 1000 reported that a tenative deal is in place for Roberts for at least three players.

    The "at least" part of that statement scares me a little... but regardless of my opinions on who we should and shouldnt send in return... looks like the deal is in place.

  2. Anonymous10:37 PM

    Lieber is not what i call a good starting pitcher. Marquis is better than him. Lets quit throwing money away for has beens. Nick I

  3. Anonymous6:40 AM

    YES! I was a big fan of his when he was with us last go-around. Would you please update me on the current rotation from top to bottom? thanks, Rick Neighbors

  4. anonymous... Lieber isnt a good starting pitcher based on the last few years... but I wouldnt be quick to say Marquis is better.

    At worst... when healthy... Lieber will be a 12-15 game winner with 10-12 losses. Pretty much what we got out of Marquis last season. Marquis would be better if he could pitch the entire season like he did in the first half... but his track rec shows he just isnt a second half guy.

    I too was hoping for a #2 caliber addition to the rotation... something we desperately need if we are going to make any noise in the playoffs... which SHOULD be the goal from the start... but hopefully we can ride Marquis' usual good 1st half start and then trade for a top of the rotation guy after the break.

  5. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Rick go to then go to roster, underneath roster you will find depth chart. It will give you all the pitchers and show all the players at each possition. Nick I
