Sunday, December 17, 2006

Cubs good fit for Rocco???

According to the St. Petersburg Times-

Toronto's signing of Vernon Wells ($126-million, seven years) has to make Rocco Baldelli even more valuable and more sought-after. The Braves, Cubs, White Sox and Rangers would seem good fits. .

Rocco is a very good hitter and decent hitter when heathy... He is a favorite with Lou and would be extremely expensive as far as prospects are concerned.. This move really makes no sense to me at all, and heres why

1. He is a right handed bat, we need lefty outfielder if anything
2. He has injury problems, his games since 2003 have gone 156 in 03, 136 in 04, and 92 in 06
3. strike outs are high 128 in 03, 88 in 04, and 70 in 06
4. he will cost alot for a stop gap for Pie

I just rather see Jones or Pie in center than him

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