Thursday, November 09, 2006

vernon wells in cf????

from our friends at have a short but intresting line about mr. wells.. i would love to see him in cubbie blue.. great fielder and cannon for an arm.. most under-rated player in baseball.. will be seaking beltran money next year but take a gamble this year. it will cost prospects like veal, pie, marshall, marmol, or guzman to get him probly an combo of some of them. the jays will shop him over winter meetings and jim better have them on speed dial!!!

• In baseball, the Chicago Cubs are planning a big trade pitch to the Blue Jays for Vernon Wells .


  1. Anonymous10:55 PM

    LMAO this website blows........

  2. Anonymous10:59 PM

    Just a quick comment, read over what you publish, because the Angels pitching coach is new Padres manager, there is no longer a leading canidate (Cardinals 3rd Base Coach).

  3. I made a site like this too, for MLB, check it out

    only I am a huge cubs fan.

    nice site.

  4. Anonymous5:43 PM

    I would love to have Vernon Wells in centerfield.

  5. vernon wells in center would be the best fit for the cubs expecially since he will hit 25 hr 100rbi and a high adverage.. not to mention a gold glove there in center.. i apprecite all the support!!!
